Social Media Marketing

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Chrome 6 Issue Corrected

Chrome version 6.0.472.55 was an incremental update to a new version of Chrome released on September 7 and announced here. There was a bug in the JavaScript engine that reported the wrong type of some JavaScript objects in a very specific case. This caused Chrome to incorrectly execute Google Analytics' JavaScript, providing an artificially high visitor count for some websites, for their visitors using that particular version of the Chrome browser. Note, not all Google Analytics accounts were affected. The affected period will vary for accounts but would not have appeared before September 7.

A fix was released for all versions of Google Chrome on Wednesday, September 22. Chrome users were automatically updated to version 6.0.472.63 over the last few days.

You can determine whether a profile was affected by comparing visit data from September 7 to approximately September 22 with a previous date range. If you think your account was affected and want to segment out visits from that date range from the affected Chrome release, you can create an advanced segment similar to this one.

We are working closely with the Chrome team to ensure that an issue like this does not happen again. While we believe this issue is fixed, we’ll be closely monitoring this issue over the weekend and beyond.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Dot-XXX Domain Won't Clean Up the Web

CANN has approved XXX as a top-level domain. The adult entertainment industry will soon have its own glaringly obvious domain, but unfortunately that doesn't necessarily mean that dot-COM domains will suddenly be porn-free.

From a security (or parenting) perspective, it would be nice. While there are certainly legitimate Web sites offering adult entertainment sans malware, it doesn't take more than a click or two to enter the dark and shady side of the Web--where malware of all sorts lies in waiting to infiltrate and compromise unsuspecting seekers of porn.

It couldn't get much easier to block employee (or child) access to inappropriate adult material than simply banning all access to the XXX domain. As a matter of fact, once the XXX domain is up and running it seems fair to assume that IT administrators and parents (or consumer security vendors) will do just that. It's a no-brainer.

However, porn sites will be like dolphins. All dolphins are whales, but not all whales are dolphins. Dolphins are a subset of the larger whale family. Similarly, all XXX sites will be porn, but not all porn sites will be XXX. Many porn sites have a long and established presence as a dot-COM domain and will not simply abandon that.

As it is, many adult Web sites have multiple domains that redirect. Both Playboy and Penthouse own their respective dot-NET domains as well, but if you try to visit them you will be automatically redirected to the primary site at or Adult sites will simply purchase the XXX domain equivalent and redirect it accordingly.

What is more likely to happen than dot-COM getting cleaner, is that more respectable businesses will be forced to purchase the dot-XXX equivalent of their primary domain simply to ensure it isn't purchase by a purveyor of porn. For example, Disney certainly doesn't want customers to visit, but it also doesn't want to be purchased by a shady adult site. So, Disney will purchase the domain and redirect it to just as it has done with and and many other domains that are even remotely similar to the Disney name. Disney wants to ensure that you get to no matter what you enter in your Web browser. More.....

Monday, May 10, 2010

How Parents Deal with Kids' Social Media Use

Parents who use Facebook are nearly evenly split between those who friend their kids on Facebook (48%) and those who do not (52%), according to a survey from Retrevo.

Meanwhile, a plurality of surveyed parents (36%) say the appropriate age for children to have their own social media page is between 16 and 18, while 30% say it's appropriate for kids to have their own page if they're between 13 and 15 years old.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Page Speed Optimizers

Recently Google have officially stated that page load time is now a factor in Google ranking algorithm.Basing on that factor,web developers need to consider more about the page loading speed.

Hear are some of the tools which will help you to optimize the page speed and give a better productivity.

  • Page Speed, an open source Firefox/Firebug add-on that evaluates the performance of web pages and gives suggestions for improvement.

  • YSlow, a free tool from Yahoo! that suggests ways to improve website speed

  • Webpage Analyzer: Their script calculates the size of individual elements and sums up each type of web page component

Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Must Have Skill Sets For the New World

What are the skills that you will need to have in the new economy? If you’ve ever wondered what some of these skills are, this post is for you.

Skill sets for the new world
1.) Social media and Web 2.0 know how:

To understand how social media and Web 2.0 are changing industries gives you a deeper level of understanding on the new economy. It will be a competitive edge as you think through challenges and opportunities in your marketplace.

2.) The ability to write effectively:

The need to be a good writer is increasing every year. We write more email, send more text messages, and write more blog posts than ever before. Good writing skills help you to communicate your thoughts and blogging can help you reach your goals faster.

3.) Ability to create relationships virtually and physically:

Nobody can do it alone; you are going to need a lot of help along the way. Opportunities come to individuals that have taken the time to create their social network both virtually and physically. It has never been easier to have a wide social network. Start connecting.

4.) Knowing how to leverage your network:

Knowing how to approach those in your network so they can help bring you opportunities is an art form. Start getting in the habit of expressing your ideas to influencers in your niche. Some will work, some won’t, but the one’s that work will push you down the path to success.

5.) Knowing how to get to to influencers:

Learn how to get to influencers using social media, email, and yes, even the good old telephone. The more you start to reach out to others to connect with them the more influential connections you will have. Half the battle is just trying, you will be surprised what happens when you try.

6.) The ability to sell yourself:

Get really good at expressing your interests and what makes you different. Have fun with it and just be yourself. This is not about being a walking blow horn, but knowing how to take advantage of the opportunity when it is staring at you in the face. These 30 seconds can make or break you.

7.) Having a platform:

You need to have a home base that can be indexed by Google. You need a place where you have complete editorial control. The easiest way to do this is with a blog. Blogs can launch you into some very exciting and interesting work. You need a platform.

Get good at these seven skills, they will become increasingly important in the evolving world we live in. If you are not good at some of these skills head to Google or Amazon and do some reading. You will be happy you did.

Resource Social Media Today

Friday, April 2, 2010

Twitter Starts Featuring Popular Tweets in Search Results

Twitter has turned on a new feature in search that lets user filter for what the microblogging service is calling “top results.” As opposed to strictly showing the most recent mentions of a given query, users now have an option to click a “top results” link that displays a few popular tweets on top of the page.

Those top results seem to be based on retweets. Search for More

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy Birthday, Gmail!

On April 1, 2004, Gmail was launched as an invite-only beta, instantly creating a revolution in the webmail space. Google’s decision to keep their webmail invite-only kept spammers at bay, leading to the widespread perception that Gmail is spam-proof. While this notion is far from the truth, Gmail to this day does an excellent job of keeping unwanted emails out of your inbox.

Furthermore, by offering storage capacity of 1 GB per user, Gmail dwarfed the competitors which long held the notion that More..

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Free Google Wave Invitations

I am Isahra Shehan Silva. I have 5 Google Wave invitations left with me. If your interested in experiencing the real time Communication and Collaboration. Please fill our request form and get it totally free.Google Wave request form

Monday, March 29, 2010

Facebook - why your brand should be on

With 450 million users globally (and millions more being added each week) Facebook is dominating the web in unparalleled ways. Yet, even as the social network has steadily grown over its short but remarkable history, many brands have remained on the sidelines of the social media revolution.

Facebook was the most visited site on the web for the week ending on March 13, 2010, surpassing even Google in week-long stats for the first time in history, more...